Month: November 2020

Wiggins Childs' Client Featured in Washington Post Article About Unconstitutional Dog Attacks
The Washington Post recently wrote about a Wiggins Childs' client represented by Jon Goldfarb along with William Smith, Christina Malmat, and Lieselotte Carmen-Burks. The article examines numerous instances of police dogs attacking suspects captured on video in recent years, including one client, Ronald Fitts, represented by Wiggins Childs in a case alleging that officers of the Selma Police Department intentionally used excessive force in violation of the U.S. Constitution by siccing the dog on Mr. Fitts when he was not resisting. The video of the dog attack on Mr. Fitts was featured by the Post as part of a pattern of such attacks across the country.
A link to the article can be found here.

WCPFG - Recent Case Filings
Here is a snapshot of the cases filed by Wiggins, Childs, Pantazis, Fisher & Goldfarb LLC in the past couple weeks:
November 9, 2020
Perryman v. Sungchang Autotech
- Filed by: Rocco Calamusa in the United Stated District Court for the Middle District of Alabama
- Civil Action No.: 3:20-cv-913
- Type of case: Title VII, National Origin, Race Discrimination
November 5, 2020
Minniefield v. Scotch Plywood Company et al
- Filed by: Rocco Calamusa in the United Stated District Court for the Southern District of Alabama
- Civil Action No.: 1:20-cv-526
- Type of case: Title VII, Sexual Harassment
November 2, 2020
Lee V. Austal USA, LLC
- Filed by: Temple Trueblood in the United Stated District Court for the Southern District of Alabama
- Civil Action No.: 1:20-cv-522
- Type of case: Employment Discrimination (Race) and Retaliation
October 30, 2020
Adams V. Day & Zimmerman Inc
- Filed by: Samuel Fisher and Sidney Jackson in the United Stated District Court for the Northern District of Alabama
- Civil Action No.: 2:20-cv-1712
- Type of case: Employment, ADA
October 30, 2020
Zekoff v. Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc et al
- Filed by: DG Pantazis Jr. in the United Stated District Court for the Northern District of Alabama
- Civil Action No.: 2:20-cv-1703
- Type of case: Product Liability
October 30, 2020
Byrd v. Outokumpu Stainless, USA, LLC
- Filed by: Rachel McGinley in the United Stated District Court for the Southern District of Alabama
- Civil Action No.: 1:20-cv-520
- Type of case: Employment, ADA
October 29, 2020
Cooks v. Altec Industries Inc
- Filed by: Gregory Wiggins in the United Stated District Court for the Northern District of Alabama
- Civil Action No.: 2:20-cv-1699
- Type of case: Employment, Job Discrimination (Age)
October 22, 2020
Woods v. Somerby St. Vincent’s One Nineteen
- Filed by: Kevin Jent in the United Stated District Court for the Northern District of Alabama
- Civil Action No.: 2:20-cv-1663
- Type of case: Employment, Job Discrimination (Race)
October 14, 2020
Brown v. Keystone Foods LLC et al
- Filed by: Eric Sheffer in the United Stated District Court for the Northern District of Alabama
- Civil Action No.: 2:20-cv-1619
- Type of case: Employment, Job Discrimination (Sex)
October 13, 2020
Lattimore V. Big Lots Inc
- Filed by: DG Pantazis Jr. and Evan Pantazis in the United Stated District Court for the Northern District of Alabama
- Civil Action No.: 5:20-cv-1602
- Type of case: Personal Injury
October 5, 2020
Crawford v. City of Huntsville, Alabama
- Filed by: Gregory Wiggins in the United Stated District Court for the Northern District of Alabama
- Civil Action No.: 5:20-cv-1547
- Type of case: Other Civil Rights
October 5, 2020
Phillips v. Legacy Cabinet
- Filed by: Jon Goldfarb in the United Stated District Court for the Northern District of Alabama
- Civil Action No.: 1:20-cv-1548
- Type of case: Other Civil Rights
September 24, 2020
Jones v. Smith’s Doughnuts Inc.
- Filed by: Rachel McGinley in the United Stated District Court for the Northern District of Alabama
- Civil Action No.: 7:20-cv-1428
- Type of case: Employment, Job Discrimination (Sex)
September 28, 2020
Multiple Plaintiffs v. Wal-Mart Stores Inc
- Filed by: Ann Wiggins, Candis McGowan, Jon Goldfarb, Lieselotte Carmen-Burks, Robert Wiggins, and Rocco Calamusa in the United Stated District Court for the Northern District of Alabama
- Civil Action Nos.: 2:20-cv-1449 – 2:20-cv-1495
- Type of case: Employment, Job Discrimination (Sex)

WCPFG Attorneys Named to B-Metro 2020 Top Women Attorneys
Wiggins, Childs, Pantazis, Fisher, & Goldfarb is proud to announce that four of our attorneys who were included in the B-Metro 2020 annual listing of Top Female Attorneys in the City.
Each year, B-Metro publishes a list acknowledging the work and professionalism of the top women attorneys in the Birmingham Metro Area. This year, the following attorneys from WCPFG were featured on this list:

The complete list of B-Metro's 2020 Top Women Attorneys can be found at B-Metro 2020 Top Women Attorneys