Wiggins Childs Lawyers Victorious in Voting Rights Lawsuit Before Supreme Court
On Thursday, June 8, 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States held in Allen v. Milligan that the Alabama state legislature’s congressional districting map likely violates the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The 5-4 decision is a major victory for voting rights. Wiggins Childs is proud to have played a role on the brilliant legal team that successfully litigated this historic case from its inception in Alabama to the United States Supreme Court in Washington D.C.
Tom Kunstmann, Et Al. v. Aaron Rents, Inc.
TOM KUNSTMANN, ET AL. V. AARON RENTS, INC. Complaint filed in Tom Kunstmann et al v Aaron Rents Update as of October 29, 2010 – We continue to believe that the case is in a good posture. No trial date has been set as of today. If you have any questions please feel free to either e-mail or…
Lafleur, Marina, Et Al. v. Dollar Tree – Memorandum Opinion & Orders
LAFLEUR, MARINA, ET AL. V. DOLLAR TREE – MEMORANDUM OPINION & ORDERS Doc. 433 – Memorandum & Opinion on Various Motions Contact Us
$19 Million Dollar Judgment Against Tyson Foods, Inc. – Unpaid Wages, Unpaid Overtime, Donning & Doffing Fair Labor Standards Act
$19 MILLION DOLLAR JUDGMENT AGAINST TYSON FOODS, INC. – UNPAID WAGES, UNPAID OVERTIME, DONNING & DOFFING FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT A Nebraska Federal Judge on Thursday entered a $19 million judgment against Tyson Foods Inc. in a class action brought by meat processing-line workers who said the company didn’t pay them for time spent donning…
Oil Companies Double Dip for Polluting Groundwater
OIL COMPANIES DOUBLE DIP FOR POLLUTING GROUNDWATER Dennis Pantazis and other attorneys from the firm are involved in lawsuits against major oil companies in numerous states for “double-dipping” when collecting monies from states and secretly from insurance companies for the same tank cleanups. Attorneys at Wiggins, Child, Quinn and Pantazis are experienced in civil suits stemming…
$50 Million Dollar Verdict Morgan v. Family Dollar (2010)
EMPLOYMENT Fair Labor Standards Act, Wage and Hour, Unpaid Wages, Unpaid Overtime, $50,000,00.00 Jury Verdict for Class of 1,400 – Misclassification of Store Managers as exempt employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) (Learn More. . . ) Represented at trial by Bob Wiggins, Greg Wiggins, Kevin Jent, and Rocco Calamusa Contact Us
Womack v. Dollar General, Inc., (2013)
WOMACK V. DOLLAR GENERAL, INC., (2013) Title VII, Equal Pay, Lilly Ledbetter Act, Gender Pay Discrimination Amicable resolution for a Class of 35 – Female Store Managers being paid less than male Store Managers. (Learn More. . . ) Represented by Greg Wiggins, Bob Wiggins, Rocco Calamusa and Kevin Jent (2013) Contact Us
Isaiah Evans, et al. v. United States Pipe & Foundry
ISAIAH EVANS, ET AL. V. UNITED STATES PIPE & FOUNDRY This case was filed in court against Defendants, Phelps Dodge Industries, Inc. (“PDI”), MW Custom Papers, LLC (“MWCP”), United States Pipe & Foundry Company, LLC (“USP”), FMC Corporation and United Defense, L.P. (“FMC/UDLP”), by individual property owners (“Plaintiffs”) alleging Defendants caused foundry waste materials and…
Dollar General Settlement
DOLLAR GENERAL SETTLEMENT Documents and Information You have reached the Wanda Womack, et al vs. Dollar General webpage. As of March 6, 2013, checks were mailed to all eligible class members from the Administrator’s office located in Tallahassee, Florida. Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, the Claims Administrator will distribute to each Settlement Class Participant a…
General Motors Ignition Switch Defect
GENERAL MOTORS IGNITION SWITCH DEFECT General Motors Co. issued a recall of 1.6 million vehicles because of an ignition design defect. The GM ignition defect has led to lawsuits alleging wrongful death as well as diminution (decrease) in value of vehicles. Models identified as having the GM ignition switch defect include: 2005-2010 Chevrolet Cobalts; 2006-2007 HHRs; 2006-2007 Pontiac Solctice; 2005-2007 Pontiac…
Jones v. Mercy Medical, a Corporation (2012)
JONES V. MERCY MEDICAL, A CORPORATION (2012) Title VII, Sexual Harassment, Same Sex Harassment, Family and Medical Leave Act, and Retaliation Amicable Resolution for single Plaintiff upon the eve of trial of claims of unlawful sexual harassment (same sex) by the Plaintiff’s supervisor, violations of the Family and Medical Leave Act, and retaliatory discipline and…
Place v. Pilgrim’s Pride, Corporation, et al. (2013)
PLACE V. PILGRIM’S PRIDE, CORPORATION, ET AL. (2013) Title VII, Sexual Harassment, Sex Discrimination, Racial Harassment, Retaliation, Negligence, Assault and Battery, Invasion of Privacy, and Outrage Amicable Resolution for single Plaintiff alleging acts of unlawful sexual harassment and assault and battery by her supervisor and co-workers, acts of racial harassment by co-workers, acts of sex…
Kurtts v. Chiropractic Strategies Group, Inc., d/b/a Bayside Spine and Rehab (2013)
KURTTS V. CHIROPRACTIC STRATEGIES GROUP, INC., D/B/A BAYSIDE SPINE AND REHAB (2013) Title VII, Sexual Harassment and Retaliation Amicable resolution for single Plaintiff upon the eve of trial of claims of sexual harassment by the Plaintiff’s supervisor and retaliatory termination in reaction to her complaint of harassment. (Learn More. . . ) Represented by Temple D. Trueblood and…
Battles v. Russell County Sheriff, et al. (2014)
BATTLES V. RUSSELL COUNTY SHERIFF, ET AL. (2014) Title VII, 42 U.S.C. 1981, The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, Racial Harassment, Racial Discrimination, Reverse Race Discrimination, Sexual Harassment Amicable resolution for single Plaintiff alleging acts of reverse race harassment, reverse race discrimination, sexual harassment by a co-worker, and unlawful retaliation in response to…
Hunter v. Barbour County Sheriff Marshall , et al. (2005)
HUNTER V. BARBOUR COUNTY SHERIFF MARSHALL , ET AL. (2005) Title VII, The Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, Sexual Harassment, Sex Discrimination, and Retaliation $250,157.20 Jury Verdict for single plaintiff—Employee subjected to unwelcome sexual harassment, disparate gender discrimination by being subjected to a demotion, and retaliatory termination. (Learn More. . . ) Represented at…
Evans v. Weiser Security (2011)
EVANS V. WEISER SECURITY (2011) Title VII, Sexual Harassment, Sex Discrimination, Retaliation, and Negligence $70,000.00 Jury Verdict for single plaintiff—Employee subjected to unwelcome sexual harassment, disparate gender discrimination by being subjected to a demotion, and retaliatory termination. (Learn More. . . ) Represented at trial by Temple D. Trueblood and Henry Brewster. Contact Us
Jones, et al., v., Southern Wings Five, LLC, d/b/a Buffalo Wild Wings (2014)
JONES, ET AL., V., SOUTHERN WINGS FIVE, LLC, D/B/A BUFFALO WILD WINGS (2014) Multi-plaintiff case, Title VII, 42 U.S.C. 1981, Family and Medical Leave Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Racial Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Racial Discrimination, FMLA Violations, ADA Violations, and Retaliation Currently Representing Plaintiffs in Alabama. Employees in Northwest Alabama store location allege multiple and…