2 Wiggins Childs Attorneys Named to 2016 Edition of the Best in America ©
2 WIGGINS CHILDS ATTORNEYS NAMED TO 2016 EDITION OF THE BEST IN AMERICA © Congratulations Candis McGowan and Temple Trueblood for their inclusion in the 2016 Edition of The Best in America© as published in the Best Lawyers Spring “Women in the Law” Business Edition Contact Us
3 Wiggins Childs Attorneys Listed in 2017 Best Lawyers in America
3 WIGGINS CHILDS ATTORNEYS LISTED IN 2017 BEST LAWYERS IN AMERICA 3 Wiggins Childs Attorneys were selected by their peers for inclusion in Best Lawyers in America for 2017: Robert F. Childs and Temple D. Trueblood Employment Law – Individuals, and Litigation – Labor and Employment Candis A. McGowan Employment Law – Individuals, and Litigation – Labor and Employment…
4 Wiggins Childs Lawyers Named to 2018 Best Lawyers
4 WIGGINS CHILDS LAWYERS NAMED TO 2018 BEST LAWYERS The Firm congratulates Robert F. Childs, Jon C. Goldfarb, Candis McGowan and Temple Trueblood, who have all been selected by their peers to be included in the 23rd Edition of The Best Lawyers in America. Recognition by Best Lawyers® is based entirely on peer review. The methodology used is designed to capture, as accurately as…
Habitat for Humanties Home for the Holidays
HABITAT FOR HUMANTIES HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS On December 12, 2017 volunteers from the firm will be joining Habitat for Humanity’s Home for the Holidays project to provide deserving families a new home just in time for Christmas. Members Jon Goldfarb, Dennis Pantazis, and Sam Fisher are pictured at a groundbreaking with two of the families that will be…
$2.89 Million Dollar Verdict Against Tyson Foods – Unpaid Wages, Fair Labor Standards Act, Unpaid Overtime
$2.89 MILLION DOLLAR VERDICT AGAINST TYSON FOODS – UNPAID WAGES, FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT, UNPAID OVERTIME On September 26, 2011, a Iowa Federal Jury awarded a verdict of $2.89 million to Plaintiffs in the case Peg Bouaphakeo, et al. v. Tyson Foods, Inc., (Case 5:07-cv-04009-JAJ), a collective action brought on behalf of approximately 3,344 production line…
$5 Million Dollar Judgment Against Tyson Foods Inc. -Unpaid Wages, Unpaid Overtime, Donning & Doffing
$5 MILLION DOLLAR JUDGMENT AGAINST TYSON FOODS INC. -UNPAID WAGES, UNPAID OVERTIME, DONNING & DOFFING A federal judge has ordered Tyson Foods to pay nearly $5 million in damages because the meatpacker failed to compensate workers at its Dakota City beef plant while they put on and took off protective clothing. You can find out…