Week in Review
WEEK IN REVIEW Here is a snapshot of the cases filed by Wiggins, Childs, Pantazis, Fisher and Goldfarb LLC in the past week: Federal Filings: August 28, 2018 Tracey Townsend v. Jett Concrete Filed by Josh Gale and Rocco Calamusa, Jr. in the District Court for the Middle District of Florida Jacksonville Division Civil Action…
Back to School with Section 504 and the ADA
Back to School with Section 504 and the ADA Wiggins Childs Pantazis Fisher and Goldfarb, LLC takes great pride in the diversity of our representation. One of these areas involves the representation of children with disabilities in securing non-discriminatory placements as well as a free appropriate public education (FAPE) and other services, in accordance with…
Week in Review
WEEK IN REVIEW Here is a snapshot of the cases filed by Wiggins, Childs, Pantazis, Fisher and Goldfarb LLC in the past week: Federal Filings: August 21, 2018 Stafford v. US Security Associates Staffing, Inc. Filed by Rocco Calamusa Jr. in the Southern District Court of Alabama Southern Division Civil Action No.: 1:18-cv-00364 Type…
B-Metro Top Women Attorneys 2017 Announcement
B-METRO TOP WOMEN ATTORNEYS 2017 ANNOUNCEMENT Only 110 years after Birmingham’s first female attorney, Maud McLure Kelly, began practicing law, the modern day world of women lawyers is vast and formidable. The importance of such diversity in the legal profession reverberates not only to those female law students searching for inspiration and mentors, but also…
President Obama Signs the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
PRESIDENT OBAMA SIGNS THE LILLY LEDBETTER FAIR PAY ACT “On January 29, 2009, with the new law’s namesake Lilly Ledbetter there to witness, President Obama signed into law the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act — legislation to fight pay discrimination and ensure fundamental fairness to American workers.” YouTube Contact Us
Nela Applauds Lilly Ledbetter’s Counsel
NELA APPLAUDS LILLY LEDBETTER’S COUNSEL National Employment Lawyers Association Applauds Lilly Ledbetter’s Cousel Wiggins Childs Quinn & Pantazis, LLC “Lilly could have accepted her lot and moved on. She could have decided that it wasn’t worth thehassle and the harassment that would inevitably come with speaking up for what she deserved.But instead, she decided that…